Agents Growth Academy
Agents Growth Academy
80. Storytelling Makes Good Marketing
Justin Jaksha, VP of Marketing for ePayPolicy, will share his 15 years of experience with insurtech, medical, and real estate and explain why storytelling is always the best marketing method for insurance agencies. Identify the psychology and science behind good storytelling and leverage it in your marketing on this episode of Agents Growth Academy.
3 Key Takeaways
- Leverage the psychology of good storytelling: use the hero's journey and monomyth to craft stories that make sense of the world and help the customer along their path.
- When surveying, it’s important to ask the right questions that will uncover the benefits and transformation that comes from using your product or service.
- Pay attention to the language: listen to the words that your customers use and repeat them in your marketing to create an emotional connection.
Story by Robert McKee
Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller
Kendra Hall, storytelling expert
The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbelll
CheckMate from ePayPolicy
Trello application
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
Hero on a Mission by Donald Miller
The World of Art by Steven Pressfield
About Justin Jaksha
Justin has over fifteen years of experience as a marketing leader (with a little bit of sales) in insurtech, medical, and real estate. Like host Jim Schubert, Justin is a full StoryBrand enthusiast and is StoryBrand certified.
Show Notes
[00:00:00] - Jim Schubert has Justin Jaksha on the show. EPaypolicy is the easiest way to collect premium through ACH and credit card payments.
[00:03:36] - We use stories to make meaning out of things. How can agents leverage the psychology behind good storytelling?
[00:09:05] - How do you tell stories in business? It is a moving target. When you're asking questions of potential clients or clients, what you're trying to do is get the answers but also pay close attention to the actual language that they're using.
[00:16:39] - The website is the hub for everything. It's the place where somebody is going to go to do research. Justin shares how they redid their website to fit the framework based on story branding.
[00:21:30] - What is clarity in marketing? Why is it important, and how do people achieve that?
[00:23:17] - People are torn between a curiosity about something that's new, but they have an aversion to something that is too new. You're trying to find the tension between the most advanced yet accessible.
[00:30:35] -Justin answers the questions from AGA’s rapid fire round.
[00:37:34] - Oftentimes you feel resistance towards the things you most need to do. Embrace resistance. Don't skip the leg days of your life. Make sure that your story starts with the customer and not yourself as the main character.